Monday, August 9, 2010

How do you talk to your spouse about money without creating an arguement?

I am currently engaged and when i try to communicate about money and creating a budget it turns into a big argument.

Currently, we have a budget for the bills and each person pays there bills and the money that is left is whom ever earned it. We don't combine any money and we don't have any joint accounts.

We are at the point where we have alot of things coming up and i would just like to sit down and designate a certain amount of money to the following categories:

1) Paying off credit cards (debt fund)

2) Wedding that will be happening next June 2010 (wed fund)

3) Need new appliances for new condo as well as decorating (house fund)

4) Need to save cash (emergency fund)

Does anyone else see something wrong with wanting to put on paper and come up with a plan of when the purchases or payments can be made? Also, what or some ideals to help communicate so this will not always turn into an argument. I read Dave Ramsey suggestions but it did not work.How do you talk to your spouse about money without creating an arguement?
This is a communications problem. Right now, it's tied to finances. It could just as easily be tied to drinking, gambling, nights out with the guys, or what school your children might attend.

You need to communicate with this person. You need to draw him into this conversation, as it is very very (emphasis) real. Without the ability to openly discuss these types of issues, your relationship will suffer.

I've been married twice. The first one was for well over 22 years. The demise can be summed up as poor communication (amongst other things) but suffice it to say, could we of communicated, we could of survived the issues that cropped up.

Ask my new wife what's most important in a relationship, she'll tell you communication. Open, honest, complete, recurring, pointed and no-hidden-agenda communications are essential.How do you talk to your spouse about money without creating an arguement?
you may want to re think getting married. If this person wants to argue over things like this now, LOOK out you may have a life time of the same and it can only get worse
The only problem I see is not combining any funds. Okay, I understand you're not married yet. However, by each person keeping the money they've earned to use as they want is a bad idea. Each person should be alloted some ';spending cash';. So, say you get a bi-weekly pay check allot the needed funds to your accounts then decide you have a extra $50 (a week) that each of you can spend w/out asking each other.

So...I highly recommend combining accounts but, until you're married pu the money in your funds and then leave out about $50 a week to spend alone.

Question: What exactly creates the fight?

Make sure you're asking what his goals are and communicate about future goals each other has and begin to slowly save for that.

Good luck!

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